Workplace Violence Strategies
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, employers have specific responsibilities regarding workplace violence and workplace harassment as of June 15, 2010. To expedite the process of policymaking, All Protex Fire & Safety Inc. is offering to create, develop and implement your business's Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy Program for you. Included is:
- Risk Assessment of each workplace and determination of measures that need to be put in place
- Preparation of a written Violence and Harassment Policy and Program
- Definition of Workplace Violence for your workplace
- Definition of Workplace Harassment for your workplace
- Development of Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention Policies and Programs
- Communication of Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention Policies and Programs to workers so that all workers understand their right to remove themselves from any type of violence, or harmful situations in their workplace
- Training in usage of the Program and a sign-off from all employees